Tuesday, May 27, 2014

20 New Moms ;)

Oh my goodness!!!  Kiela is almost leaving for the mission!  What is going on??  She just got her call!!!!  I am so excited for her and well, for everyone; the mission is the best thing ever!!!!!!!!!!  Make sure all "my girls" know how much I miss them!!  And that they are looking great!!!  It is crazy that things are moving around so quickly back at home!  Nothing is happening, but everything is happening too!  hahahaha

This week was a lot better!!!! (If they keep getting better I am never going to come home.) hahaha  We are working better with the ward, and it really is going to show here in a few weeks - I know it!  The Lord always completes with his promises and I know that in his timing we are going to see progress in this area!!!

1.   Did you get a new apartment with this your transfer?
We have a new little house!  And it is super nice!!!!  We are pretty much in heaven; our bathroom is like amazing!!! hahahaha

2.  Is you comp a fun girl or serious?
My companion is great but really different than me; she is really quiet but happy!  Sometimes I feel I need to shut up and let her talk more, but we are working it out :) hahaha  YOU JUST CAN’T GET ME TO BE QUIET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha

3.       How are the referrals going, any new prospects?
SEE BOTTOM!!!!!!!!!!

4.       Do you have a new Mom in your new area?
I HAVE ABOUT 20 new moms that help so much.  This whole entire ward is just the kindest and happiest.  I am really happy to be here.  I wish we could see some more success with our investigators, but the Lord will complir!  Sabemos que si :) 

Quick story:  So yesterday we went to church and well nobody came once again.  To be honest we were really disappointed and felt like we had failed because we had worked so hard this week.  But anyways, we left to work and to try with everything we had.  We were praying in our hearts with everything we had, (to be honest, I was almost at the point of tears..)  We FELT HELPLESS!  But we passed by the house of one of our old references.  And it was a miracle - she was  there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  She was just getting home as we knocked on her door!  (YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN OUR SMILES WHEN WE SAW HER)  She wants to learn - she wants to come to church - she is so excited to fill the gap in her life.  MIRACLES HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!  And the Lord knows what we need and when we need it!  Sometimes we have to feel weak and helpless so that we will enjoy the blessings more!!!!!

I KNOW THE LORD LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  HE IS OUR EXAMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you all; have a great week!  I’m off to play SOCCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hermana Sutton!

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